Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm in the Campo, It's Intense!

Hello People Who Are Allowed to Chew Gum in Public,

I mean if you can’t make fun of yourself, who can you make fun of? I am finally in the Mission Field!!! So much happened last week I don’t even know where to begin. OK, maybe I do. I first and foremost wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me by reading this weekly check in. I know I am not the most engaging writer, but I do what I can. Second, I want to thank everyone who has sent me letters or packages so far. Those words and gifts truly brighten my day and give me the strength to give it my all. I am trying to respond to everyone who writes me, and I am really sorry if I somehow skip over you. I love all of you!
The last week at the MTC seemed to really fly by. On Monday, we went to pass out Books of Mormon. It’s was great, except we had to travel 30 min by bus and another 30 by foot to get to the more Japanese part of Sao Paolo because that is where the sisters were going to serve. So we had only 30 minutes to give out seven books. We gave out two on the bus, one on the way there and one on the way back, and the other five about six minutes apart. After this, everyone in my district wrote each other a letter to be read on ´´Hump Day´´ about what we think they will be like and to encourage them. I really enjoyed writing to my future self and to my other district members as well. It was like expecting to accomplish goals I had not even set yet. One of my good friends at the MTC gave me a picture of two cats, one with his paw over the other and explained that people can be friends, even over great distances. In the words of the Bard, ´´We don’t have to change friends if we realize that friends change.´´ I want to grow closer to all of you that are reading this even though we are probably farther apart than we have ever been. Both you and I will change over these next two years, and I can only hope that it is always for the better and that we understand and love each other more because of it.
The departure day was really lonely. I had to say goodbye to my two companions as we went to different missions. I also had to say goodbye to the Japanese sisters which was really sad and a little awkward because you can only give hand hugs. Then I was all by myself in the cafeteria because I was the last to leave. Feeling forgotten but excited, I slowly packed in my room for two hours to the sounds of Beethoven. It was relaxing really relaxing and just took my mind off things. Then it was time to go. I slept the whole ride :). The Mission President is really legal. (Legal means cool).He thinks that I speak well and we seem to get along.
We went to the Mission Office and just kind of sat around until our companions showed up. I think I got the best one. He´s from Utah and only has three months left on his mission so I will be his last trainee. He has already been a District Leader, Zone Leader, and Assistant to the President. We already hit it off. We both like wrestling so P-Day should be fun. He is also is a thespian, but he didn´t know it. (He does musical productions and theatre). We rode together on the bus for an hour and a half and we opened a new area. The records are kind of scattered, and our house is big but old so we should have some work to do. One of the counselors in the ward picked us up and said he had a non-member friend he wanted us to meet. We all started walking to the Church and he asked us why all of our first names were `Elder.´ I am still a little linguistically challenged so my companion answered him. When we arrived at the church we went into the bishop´s office to wait for him. My companion, Elder Bybee, saw a picture on the desk, and it was the non-member! The bishop had just been messing with us the whole time. We then got pizza to welcome us to the area. He should be fun to work with.
Today, we had lunch at a member´s house. The member had 23 cats and 3 dogs however, and my allergies were acting up. It was an interesting first lunch, but good none the less. The brother had been on TV for being able to memorize numbers and had written two books about it. What a pro! The only thing I would change was the cat hair I pulled out of my mouth from breathing a couple times, but other than that it was really fun and the food was good.
In my personal study today I read in D and C 88 verse 67. It talks about as we keep our eye single to god we will be filled with light and strength. This is now one of my new favorite scriptures. As we focus on the work, our countenance will change and we will become a means to do good. I hope you all have a great week and just try to do a little good in the world. Thank you for reading this week’s edition of the ´Life and Times of Elder Healy´
Come on really,
Elder Healy

Here is a video of me getting my first Companion

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